General Terms and Conditions, E.i.E. Ltd

Rent discount
The lessee is entitled to a proportional discount from the rent only if he can use the object of the lease only to a limited extent, and if the lessor does not fulfill / has not fulfilled his obligations under the lease agreement in time and / or properly. The right to provide a discount must be claimed by the tenant in writing to the landlord without undue delay. The right to a rental discount shall lapse if it has not been exercised within two months from the date on which the fact giving rise to this right occurred.
The Lessee is not obliged to pay the rent only if and only for the time when the Lessee could not use the object of the lease as a whole in case the Lessor does not fulfill / has not fulfilled its obligations under the lease agreement in time and / or properly.
The Lessee has no right to withhold and not pay rent or any other payments (part thereof) under this Agreement due to any claims or receivables of the Lessee from the Lessor.

Taking over and handing over the leased object
The handover protocol, which shall be signed by both contracting parties, shall be drawn up by the contracting parties on the handover and acceptance of the leased object for use by the lessee. The transferring protocol will contain a description of the leased object, its condition, confirmation of the installation of the leased object by the lessor, date and place of handover.
By signing the lessee on the acceptance protocol, the lessee confirms that the subject of the lease is taken over in a condition corresponding to the purpose and conditions stipulated by this contract. At the same time, the Lessee confirms that the Lessor has no further obligation to perform any work in order to prepare the subject of the lease for use by the Lessee, unless otherwise stated by the contracting parties in the relevant acceptance protocol.
After the end of the lease, the lessee is obliged to hand over the leased object in a condition corresponding to the usual wear and tear, cleaned no later than on the last day of the lease agreement. In case of non-fulfillment of this obligation, the lessor is entitled to restore the object of the lease to its original condition at the expense of the lessee, taking into account the usual wear and tear. The Lessee is obliged to reimburse the Lessor for the provable and expediently incurred costs incurred within five days of receiving a written request. If the lessee does not fulfill his obligation under the previous sentence, the lessor is entitled to satisfy his claim from the deposit. The Lessee further agrees and acknowledges that if the Lessee does not hand over the leased object no later than the last day of the lease and as stated in this agreement, the Lessor is entitled to enter the Lessee’s premises where the Leased object is located at any time and without consent. tenant and ensure the takeover of the leased object, all at the expense of the tenant.
A transfer report will be written about the return of the leased object, which will contain a description of the leased object, its condition, date and place of delivery.

Rights and obligations of the contracting parties
The Lessor is obliged to keep the Leased Object in serviceable condition and to ensure proper performance of the agreed services consisting in regular maintenance of the Leased Object in accordance with the recommendations of the Leased Manufacturer’s manufacturer so that the Lessee can continuously use the Leased Object for the agreed purpose. Small repairs up to € 100 (in words: one hundred euros) for each repaired item individually and as usual
maintenance on the subject of the lease is provided by the lessee at his own expense. Major repairs are provided by the landlord, at his own expense. If the need for major repairs was caused by unauthorized actions of the lessee, its employees, customers, suppliers or other third parties, the lessor will ensure their implementation at the expense of the lessee.
The Lessor undertakes not to disturb the Lessee in the course of its full exercise of the Lessee’s rights to the Subject of Lease.
The Lessee is obliged to notify the Lessor without undue delay (within 48 hours) of the need for repairs and / or maintenance to be performed by the Lessor. In the event of a breach of this obligation, the lessee is liable for damages caused thereby and has no claims that would otherwise belong to him due to the impossibility or limited ability to use the leased object for defects that were not notified to the landlord in time. The Lessor shall make the appropriate repair and / or modification as soon as possible after the notification.
The Lessee is obliged to bear restrictions on use to the extent necessary to carry out repairs and / or maintenance of the leased object and the Lessor undertakes to perform or procure repairs and / or maintenance in a reasonable time and in a reasonable manner taking into account the Lessee’s interests so as not to cause disproportionate damage. caused to the lessee in connection with the business activity performed with the subject of the lease.
The lessor or a person designated by him is entitled to perform the necessary technical inspection of the leased object during the lease period according to the recommendations of the leased object manufacturer. The Lessee is obliged to bear the restrictions on use to the extent necessary to perform a technical inspection.
The Lessee is obliged to immediately notify the Lessor of any change in its legal personality, address, or other changes that affect the cooperation between the parties.
The Lessee assumes all obligations related to the use of the leased object arising from the binding legal regulations